Handgun manufacturer SIG Sauer sued attorney Jeffery Bagnell and his firm, accusing them of publishing a false and defamatory video animation purporting to show that SIG’s P320 pistol is susceptible to firing without the trigger being pulled. Bagnell is a Connecticut attorney whose website touts his “work on behalf of numerous federal and state law enforcement officers, seriously wounded by the Sig Sauer P320 firearm…” Bagnell’s video, which purports to show the inner workings of the safety features P320 pistol, but SIG Sauer says the video seriously misleads viewers of the video about the firearm, both by misrepresenting safety features and by omitting certain safety features altogether. SIG Sauer says that Bagnell put this video on YouTube, and has consistently deleted comments pointing out the errors and omissions in the video. SIG Sauer says that the comments that remain on the YouTube page demonstrate customer confusion and deception about the P320 pistol. SIG Sauer brings counts of false advertising under Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, defamation, and violation of the New Hampshire Consumer Protection Ace (RSA 358-A). SIG Sauer seeks preliminary and permanent injunctions requiring the removal of the video and a tripling of damages under 358-A.
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