Silkeen LLC filed suit in the District of Massachusetts yesterday, alleging that Zoll infringes U.S. Patent No. 7,944,469, titled 201cSystem and Method for Using Self-Learning Rules to Enable Adaptive Security Monitoring. Silkeen identifies itself as a Texas limited liability company with a principal place of business in Plano, Texas, a common location for non-practicing entities, leading me to believe that in years past, this suit would have been filed in the Eastern District of Texas. Silkeen alleges that Zoll infringes the 2018469 patent through its making and selling of monitor defibrillators, specifically Zoll 2019s 201cR Series Monitor Defibrillators. 201d Many of the allegations relating to specific limitations being found in the Zoll product are 201con information and belief, 201d suggesting that Silkeen has not thoroughly analyzed the accused product.
Silkeen appears to be a non-practicing entity whose business consists solely of bringing infringement lawsuits. An internet search turns up no information on the company other than a series of infringement suits involving the same patent against twenty-six other entities. All twenty-two of Silkeen 2019s filings prior to 2017 (and thus prior to TC Heartland 2019s limiting of venue in patent lawsuits) were filed in the Eastern District of Texas. I further note that Silkeen is represented by Ferraiuoli LLC, the same Puerto Rican law firm that sued FitnessKeeper on behalf of Venus Locations LLC, another Plano Texas non-practicing entity, on August 17th.
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