Partner Nathan T. Harris to Attend INTA 2024 Annual Meeting

  • May 16, 2024

May 18–22, 2024
Atlanta, GA

Partner Nathan T. Harris will be attending the International Trademark Association (INTA) 2024 Annual Meeting in Atlanta to meet with trademark and brand professionals from across the globe.

About the INTA Annual Meeting

More than 10,000 influential brand professionals from across the world and industries, connect over cutting edge legal and business discussions along with various professional development activities at the INTA Annual Meeting every year. The theme of the program for the 2024 Annual Meeting is “The Business of Innovation,” which focuses on how creativity, change, and technology are transforming how IP professionals conduct business.

About Our Trademark Practice

A company’s strong brand identity can be one of its most valuable assets. With the rise of social media and other tools in today’s global, Internet-powered marketplace, brand assets are at greater risk than ever before. Members of the L&A trademark team have the expertise and experience to create comprehensive strategies for mitigating these risks—from trademark infringement to online piracy and domain issues to international trademark protection. Based on a clear understanding of each client’s business priorities, we create and implement a meticulous, proactive plan for brand protection that is both compelling and decisive.

How can we help you?